
Showing posts from August, 2017

Android 8.0 Oreo Released – 11 New Features That Make Android Even Better

While the moon was eclipsing the sun, Google announced the launch of its new mobile operating system called  Android 8.0 Oreo  in an Eclipse-themed launch event in New York City. Yes, the next version of sugary snack-themed Android and the successor to Android Nougat will now be known as  Android Oreo , the company revealed on Monday. Google has maintained the tradition of naming its Android operating system by the names of alphabetically-ordered sugary delights beginning with Android Cupcake and followed by Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow and Nougat. The good news is that the Android team has brought several significant features to your smartphone and tablet with the release of Android Oreo to make its mobile platform more secure, fast, power efficient and offer better multitasking. The new updated mobile operating system, which has been available for the last few months in developer beta, will a

Over 500 Android Apps On Google Play Store Found Spying On 100 Million Users

Over 500 different Android apps that have been downloaded more than 100 million times from the official Google Play Store found to be infected with a malicious ad library that secretly distributes spyware to users and can perform dangerous operations. Since 90 per cent of Android apps is free to download from Google Play Store, advertising is a key revenue source for app developers. For this, they integrate Android SDK Ads library in their apps, which usually does not affect an app's core functionality. But security researchers at mobile security firm Lookout have  discovered  a software development kit (SDK), dubbed Igexin, that has been found delivering spyware on Android devices. Developed by a Chinese company to offer targeted advertising services to app developers, the rogue 'Igexin' advertising software was spotted in more than 500 apps on Google's official marketplace, most of which included: Games targeted at teens with as many as 100 million downlo

The Pirate Bay Founders Ordered to Pay Music Labels $477,800 in Compensation

Two of the three co-founders of The Pirate Bay— Fredrik Neij  and  Gottfrid Svartholm Warg —have been ordered by a Finnish court to pay record labels $477,800 in compensation for copyright infringement on the site. Last year in a similar case, Helsinki District Court in Finland ordered  Peter Sunde , the third co-founder of The Pirate Bay, to  pay nearly $395,000  (350,000 Euros) in damages to several major record labels, including Sony Music, Universal Music and Warner Music. However, Sunde did not pay any penalty yet, and instead, he later announced his plans to sue those record labels for defamation. The Pirate Bay  is still the world's most popular torrent website that has proven to be an elusive hub for illegal copyrighted contents, even after a  series of raids  and  shutdown of its multiple domains , including the primary .SE domain. All the three co-founders of The Pirate Bay were facing  criminal copyright infringement  and abuse of electronic communications ch

Beware of Windows/MacOS/Linux Virus Spreading Through Facebook Messenger

If you came across any Facebook message with a video link sent by anyone, even your friend — just don’t click on it. Security researchers at Kaspersky Lab have  spotted  an ongoing cross-platform campaign on Facebook Messenger, where users receive a video link that redirects them to a fake website, luring them to install malicious software. Although it is still unclear how the malware spreads, researchers believe spammers are using compromised accounts, hijacked browsers, or clickjacking techniques to spread the malicious link. The attackers make use of social engineering to trick users into clicking the video link, which purports to be from one of their Facebook friends, with the message that reads "< your friend name > Video" followed by a link, as shown. Here's How this Cross-Platform Malware Works: The URL redirects victims to a Google doc that displays a dynamically generated video thumbnail, like a playable movie, based on the sender&#

Easy-to-Use Apps Allow Anyone to Create Android Ransomware Within Seconds

"Ransomware" threat is on the rise, and cyber criminals are making millions of dollars by victimizing as many people as they can—with  WannaCry ,  NotPetya  and  LeakerLocker  being the ransomware threats that made headlines recently. What's BAD?  Hacker even started selling  ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) kits  in an attempt to spread this creepy threat more easily, so that even a non-tech user can create their own ransomware and distribute the threat to a wider audience. The WORSE —You could see a massive increase in the number of ransomware campaigns during the next several months—thanks to new Android apps available for anyone to download that let them quickly and easily create Android ransomware with their own devices. Security researchers at Antivirus firm Symantec have  spotted  some Android apps available on hacking forums and through advertisements on a social networking messaging service popular in China, which let any wannabe hacker download and use